Saturday, November 19, 2011

Just when I thought it couldn't get worse...

I know it's been a while since I last wrote, so let me catch you up briefly...still stuck in Stenay, still have no friends, one of my married colleagues is in love with me and seems not to understand any variation of the words "no" or "stop". I'm bored, lonely, frustrated and tired of people talking about me instead of to me. I foolishly thought that I was on an upswing when my ATM card finally came after 2 months of waiting and several trips to and arguments with my bank. I was so excited by the possibility of going grocery shopping and being able to buy stuff that I want, not just need, and being able to buy train tickets at the little yellow machines in the train stations, instead of having to wait for the infrequent times in which ticket counters are open (open late, closed early, 2 hour lunch breaks. seriously, do these people even work?). I'd planned a nice meal in my head. I was going to take some time today to actually make myself a meal, maybe even dessert, thus temporarily alleviating the soul crushing boredom of the day. But when I got to the supermarket and tried to take out money with my new card, I realised that I couldnt remember the pin number they had assigned me. So I walked all the way back to my apartment, found the slip of paper with the number and walked back to the supermarket. Attempt 2 didn't go better. I inserted the card, I typed in the pin number. The machine told me I had made an error. I was pretty sure I had typed it in correctly, but there's always room for human error, so i tried again, very carefully this time...YOU HAVE MADE AN ERROR. YOUR CARD HAS BEEN RETAINED. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR BANK. So I called my bank. No answer. I trekked all the way over to my bank. Closed until Tuesday. I emailed my bank. No answer. So now I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere with no money and no food until Tuesday, when I'll be busy at work the whole day. Considering it took them 2 months to send me the card in the first place, I don't have high hopes for how long it'll take for me to get the replacement card. The cruel thing is that I get paid this weekend. So I know I have money in my account, but I still have to starve because I can't access it.

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